Our Factory is Now GOTS Certified

Lis and Rajesh together in Tirupur in 2018.
We are pleased to announce that just before Christmas last year our factory in India passed the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) certification and is now fully accredited.
This feels like a real milestone moment for not only the NICO brand but our entire production team including our partners in India.
We have been working with our production manager Rajesh for almost 4 years now. We have a relationship based on trust and a mutual desire to work ethically and to incorporate sustainability into all of our business practices.
To find a partnership in the manufacturing world that goes deeper than just dollar value is a rarity, and we are grateful. It makes NICO the brand that we are today - with a focus on beautiful products that are made with respect for the people we work with and the environment we work within.
So, what’s GOTS?
GOTS is the world’s leading processing authority for textiles, and ensures strict environmental and social standards from GOTS Certified manufacturers.
To get our factory GOTS Certified, we commissioned a thorough and independent audit, inspecting our employee rights, safety guidelines, production processes, factory set-up, and product materials.

Some key points of the audit covered human rights, confirming that we don’t engage in child or forced labor, our makers are paid a living wage, and there is no discrimination or harassment in the workplace.
The audit also confirms that our makers are provided with proper training, that we have a safe and hygienic workplace, and adhere to proper health and safety processes. In addition, we confirm that we keep detailed records, use correct quality assurance processes, and we comply with correct chemical, energy, water and waste management.
When consumers purchase products made in a GOTS certified factory, they help support the reduction of toxic chemicals in the environment, and work toward putting a stop to hazardous workplaces.
Factory photos by acclaimed Indian documentary photographer Sameer Raichur.
Learn more about GOTS here.
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