At the core of everything we do at NICO is a strong respect for the people we work with, and the environment we work within. When choosing who makes our clothing, there's a few things that we have in mind.
- working only with responsible manufacturers who share our values around the safe and fair treatment of workers
-seeking out forward thinking partners who incorporate sustainability into their business
-finding the right people for the job who can produce high quality garments that will stand the test of time.
Right now we are working with partners in the following regions:
Our makers are super skilled and specialise in the production of underwear. Their experience brings so much value to our products.
We have been working with our production manager, Rajesh, for almost 4 years now. We have a relationship based on trust and a mutual desire to work ethically and to incorporate sustainability into all of our business practices.
To find a partnership in the manufacturing world that goes deeper than just dollar value is a rarity, and we are grateful. It makes NICO the brand that we are today - with a focus on beautiful products that are made with respect for the people we work with and the environment we work within.
For our fabric dyes, we work with an ethical supply chain in Tirupur. Our natural dyers are a small scale group of artisans. Our fabrics are also GOTS certified, providing guarantees of the fair and safe treatment of workers.
We want to promote a positive, viable alternative to the unfair and short-sighted practices that fast fashion has created. By partnering with responsible factories, we know we are helping to create safe and fair employment opportunities within the industry in India that is the livelihood of so many.

Our socks are produced in Bangladesh by an environmentally and ethically responsible garment factory. They are one of the only vertically integrated sock manufacturers in the region - by using their own spinning mill to produce recycled cotton yarn, they are able to minimise the transportation of goods and save on resources.
NICO believes in supporting the growth of safe working opportunities in developing countries. We know how important it is to you for working conditions to be genuinely safe and fair, because it's important to us too. The factory we have partnered with is a signatory of the ACCORD on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh. They are also compliant with BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative) and certified by WRAP (Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production) and Alliance for Bangladesh Worker Safety.
With a wealth of experience behind them, these makers are experts in sock production and are working towards a brighter, more responsible industry in Bangladesh.